“Living On Love” is a fast paced comedy by Joe Dipietro currently on stage at The Hippodrome Theatre. Hippodrome Artistic Director Stephanie Lynge has the cast of six delivering laughs almost nonstop for the show’s two hour run.
The leading characters of The Maestro and La Diva are larger than life. Skillfully playing a classical symphony conductor, Alberto Bonilla easily captures and portrays the self-absorbed lothario Vito De Angelis, perfectly to a tee. The Maestro’s counterpoint La Diva is played by Hipp regular Kelly Atkins. As Diva Raquel De Angelis, Kelly Atkins attacks the role with a comically fierce intensity with great result. Both leads are fun to watch as they romp across the stage devouring the supporting cast members throughout the evening.
The two major supporting characters trying to get their star clients to complete their soon to be published memoirs are played by Kyle Brumley and Melissa Macleod. Hipp audiences will remember Kyle Brumley from his expert turn in “The Curious Incident…” Here Brumley is a ghost writer first trying to get The Maestro to settle down and provide anything that could be of use in a memoir. When La Diva enters all bets are off and he lunges humorously into the role of star struck avid fan. Melissa Macleod plays it straight as a young publishing executive fighting to be taken seriously both by her bosses and clients.
The two penthouse servants played by Jaden Waz and Noah C. Yager, both UF musical theater students, literally keep the show hopping along from the beginning to end.
Erin Jester’s costumes add an additional fun element to the comedy. The leads’ clothing is appropriately over the top. We wait for each entrance to see what the next scene will bring. Jester’s attention to detail is proven with the browns and grays used for the supporting roles as well as the matching intricacies for the servants’ uniforms.
Tim Dygert’s set of a glorious Manhattan penthouse is just that! It is both splendid and gorgeously appointed.
“Living On Love” performances run now through March 27th. Tickets can be purchased at TheHipp.org or by calling (352) 375-4477.
Kevin Marshall for Gainesville Theatre Review